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  • Inga Mohr, Monique Eutebach, MarieC Knopf, Naima Schommen, Regina Gratz, Kalina Angrand, Lara Genders, Tzvetina Brumbarova, Petra Bauer, Rumen Ivanov (2024 in press) Small ARF-like 2 GTPase TITAN 5 is linked with the dynamic regulation of IRON-REGULATED TRANSPORTER 1. J Cell Sci (preprint bioRxiv https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.04.27.538571)

  • Anna Sergeeva, Hans-Jörg Mai, Petra Bauer (2024 in press) Iron homeostasis in the annual and perennial stem zones of Arabis alpina. Plant Biol. (preprint bioRxiv https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.08.13.607737)

  • Ksenia Trofimov K, Samriti Mankotia, Mary Ngigi, Dibin Baby, Santosh B Satbhai, Petra Bauer (2024) Shedding Light on Iron Nutrition: Exploring Intersections of transcription factor cascades in light and iron deficiency signaling. J Exp Bot. 2024 doi: 10.1093/jxb/erae324

  • Inga Mohr, Amin Mirzaiebadizi, Sibaji K Sanyal, Pichaporn Chuenban, M Reza Ahmadian, Rumen Ivanov, Petra Bauer (2024) Characterization of the small Arabidopsis thaliana GTPase and ADP-ribosylation factor-like 2 protein TITAN 5. J Cell Sci. 137(15): jcs262315. doi: 10.1242/jcs.262315 (Review Commons-refereed preprint bioRxiv https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.04.27.538571)

  • Daniela M Lichtblau, Dibin Baby, Mather Khan, Ksenia Trofimov, Yuri Ari, Birte Schwarz, Petra Bauer (2024) The small iron-deficiency-induced protein OLIVIA and its relation to the bHLH transcription factor POPEYE. PLoS One 19(4): e0295732. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0295732 (preprint bioRxiv https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.12.05.570225)

  • Ksenia Trofimov, Regina Gratz, Rumen Ivanov, Yvonne Stahl, Petra Bauer, Tzvetina Brumbarova (2024) FER-like iron deficiency-induced transcription factor (FIT) accumulates in nuclear condensates. J Cell Biol. 2024 223(4): e202311048. doi: 10.1083/jcb.202311048 (Review Commons-refereed preprint bioRxiv https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.20.520918)

  • Shahirina Khan, Siddharth Tiwari, Komal Sharma, Siddhant Chaturvedi, Petra Bauer (2024). Key Nutrients for Biofortification: Iron, Zinc and Vitamin A. In: Tiwari, S., Singh, B. (eds) Harnessing Crop Biofortification for Sustainable Agriculture. Springer, Singapore. doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-3438-2_3.

  • Stefania Astolfi, Petra Bauer, Tzyy Jen Chiou, Bahar Yildiz Kutman. Editorial: Women in plant nutrition: 2022. (2023) Front Plant Sci. 14: 1271399. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1271399.
  • Mary Ngigi, Petra Bauer (2023) High-Throughput Plant Gene Expression Analysis by 384-Format Reverse Transcription-Quantitative PCR for Investigating Plant Iron Homeostasis. Methods Mol. Biol. 2665: 1-22. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-3183-6_1.
  • Inga MohrMonique EutebachNaima SchommenRegina GratzKalina AngrandLara GendersTzvetina Brumbarova, Petra Bauer, Rumen Ivanov (2023) Small ADP-ribosylation factor-like GTPase TITAN5 (TTN5/ARL2) is linked with the dynamic regulation of IRON-REGULATED TRANSPORTER1. bioRxiv doi.org/10.1101/2023.04.27.538571.
  • Inga Mohr, Amin Mirzaiebadizi, Sibaji K. Sanyal, Pichaporn Chuenban, Mohammad R. Ahmadian, Rumen Ivanov, Petra Bauer (2023) Characterization of the small Arabidopsis thaliana GTPase and ADP-ribosylation factor-like 2 protein TITAN5. bioRxiv. doi: 10.1101/2023.04.27.538563.
  • Maren Huppertz, Mather Khan, Mary Ngigi, Dibin Baby, Kishore Panigrahi, Petra Bauer (2023) Pilot Sustainability Study Comparing Growth Characteristics of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata) in German Indoor and Outdoor Environments (Preprint, doi:10.31219/osf.io/nh8f7)
  • Maren Huppertz, Lekshmi Manasa S, Dipanjali Kachhap, Aadishakti Dalai, Navneet Yadav, Dibin Baby, Mather Khan, Petra Bauer, Kishore Panigrahi (2023) Exploring the Potential of Mung Bean: From domestication and traditional selection to modern genetic and genomic technologies in a changing world. J. Agric. Food Res. 14, 100786; doi.org/10.1016/j.jafr.2023.100786 (Preprint, doi:10.31219/osf.io/mzrbh)
  • Hans-Jörg Mai, Dibin Baby and Petra Bauer (2023) Black sheep, dark horses and colorful dogs: A review on the current state of the Gene Ontology with respect to iron homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Front Plant Sci. 14: 1204723; doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1204723 (Preprint, https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/my2uj)
  • Mingming Cui, Shishir K. Gupta, Petra Bauer (2023) Role of the plant-specific calcium-binding C2-DOMAIN ABSCISIC ACID-RELATED (CAR) protein family in environmental signaling. Eur J Cell Biol. 102(2): 151322; doi: 10.1016/j.ejcb.2023.151322 (Preprint, doi:10.31219/osf.io/ve7ua)
  • Karolin Montag, Rumen Ivanov, Petra Bauer (2023) Role of SEC14-like phosphatidylinositol transfer proteins in membrane identity and dynamics Front. Plant Sci 14; doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1181031 (Preprint, doi:10.3389/fpls.2023.1181031.
  • Jannik Hornbergs, Karolin Montag, Jennifer Loschwitz, Inga Mohr, Gereon Poschmann, Anika Schnake, Regina Gratz, Tzvetina Brumbarova, Monique Eutebach, Kalina Angrand, Claudia Fink-Straube, Kai Stühler, Jürgen Zeier, Laura Hartmann, Birgit Strodel, Rumen Ivanov, Petra Bauer (2023) SEC14-GOLD protein PATELLIN2 binds IRON-REGULATED TRANSPORTER1 linking root iron uptake to vitamin E, Plant Physiology doi: 10.1093/plphys/kiac563, siehe auch > Plant Physiology Journal article, First author profile und HHU News
  • Ksenia Trofimov, Regina Gratz, Rumen Ivanov, Yvonne StahlPetra Bauer, Tzvetina Brumbarova (2022) FER-LIKE IRON DEFICIENCY-INDUCED TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR (FIT) accumulates in homo- and heterodimeric complexes in dynamic and inducible nuclear condensates associated with speckle components, bioRxiv version 1 in December 2022; version 2 in May 2023 (refereed preprint by Review Commons); version 3 in November 2023 (peer-reviews by Review Commons, rebuttal letter)

  • Daniela M. Lichtblau, Birte Schwarz, Dibin Baby, Christopher Endres, Christin Sieberg, Petra Bauer (2022) The iron deficiency-regulated small protein effector FEP3/IRON MAN1 modulates interaction of BRUTUS-LIKE1 with bHLH subgroup IVc and POPEYE transcription factors, Frontiers in Plant Science13:930049. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.930049

  • Kumar A, Kaur G, Singh P, Meena V, Sharma S, Tiwari M, Bauer P, Pandey AK (2022) Strategies and Bottlenecks in Hexaploid Wheat to Mobilize Soil Iron to Grains. Front. Plant Sci. 13: 863849. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.863849.

  • Gratz R., von der Mark C., Ivanov R., Brumbarova T. (2021) Fe acquisition at the crossroad of calcium and reactive oxygen species signaling Current Opinion in Plant Biol. Vol. 63:102048
  • Kanwar P., Baby D., Bauer P. (2021) Interconnection of iron and osmotic stress signaling in plants - Is FIT a regulatory hub to cross-connect abscisic acid responses? Plant Biol. doi: 10.1111/plb.13261
  • Kar S., Mai H.J., Khalouf H., Abdallah H.B., Flachbart S., Fink-Straube C., Bräutigam A., Xiong G., Shang L., Panda S.K., Bauer P. (2021) Comparative transcriptomics of lowland rice varieties leads to novel candidate genes for adaptive iron excess tolerance. Plant Cell Physiol. doi: 10.1093/pcp/pcab018
  • Sergeeva A., Mettler-Altmann T., Liu H., Mai H.J., Bauer P. (2021) Glycerolipid profile differences between perennial and annual stem zones in the perennial model plant Arabis alpina. Plant Direct. 5(1): e00302. doi: 10.1002/pld3.302 , Plantae: First author profile
  • von der Mark C., Ivanov R., Eutebach M., Maurino V.G., Bauer P., Brumbarova T. (2021) Reactive oxygen species coordinate the transcriptional responses to iron availability in Arabidopsis. J. Exp. Bot. Vol. 72: 2181-2195. doi: 10.1093/jxb/eraa522
  • Sergeeva A., Liu H., Mai H.J., Mettler-Altmann T., Kiefer C., Coupland G., Bauer P. (2021) Cytokinin-promoted secondary growth and nutrient storage in the perennial stem zone of Arabis alpina. Plant J. Vol. 105: 1459-1476. doi: 10.1111/tpj.15123. Infographic_Landscape_2021
  • Ivanov R., Robinson D.G. (2021) EMAC, Retromer, and VSRs: do they connect? Protoplasma. 257(6): 1725-1729. doi: 10.1007/s00709-020-01543-8.
  • Montag K., Hornbergs J., Ivanov R., Bauer P. (2020) Phylogenetic analysis of plant multi-domain SEC14-like phosphatidylinositol transfer proteins and structur-function properties of PATELLIN2. Plant Mol. Biol. Vol. 104: 665-678. doi: 10.1007/s11103-020-01067-y
  • Schwarz B., Azodi C.B., Shiu S.-H., Bauer P. (2020) Putative cis-regulatory elements predict iron deficiency responses in Arabidopsis roots. Plant Physiology Vol. 182: 1420-1439. doi, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/603290v2.full (feature, first author profile BS, press release: in English, in German)
  • Schwarz B., Bauer P. (2020) FIT, a regulatory hub for iron deficiency and stress signaling in roots, and FIT-dependent and -independent gene signatures. J. Exp. Bot. Vol. 71: 1694-1705. doi: 10.1093/jxb/eraa012
  • Gratz R., Brumbarova T., Ivanov R., Trofimov K., Tünnermann L., Ochoa-Fernandez R., Blomeier T., Meiser J., Weidtkamp-Peters S., Zurbriggen M. and Bauer P. (2020) Phospho-mutant activity assays provide evidence for alternative phospho-regulation pathways of the transcription factor FIT. New Phytol. 225(1): 250-267
  • Nair R. M., HanumanthaRao B., Vemula A. K., Rathore A., Brumbarova T., Ivanov R. (2020) Availability of soil iron determines the distribution strategy and seed iron content in mungbean (Vigna radiata) plants. Plant and Soil, doi: 10.1007/s11104-019-04360-y


  • Trofimov K., Ivanov R., Eutebach M., Acaroglu B., Mohr I., Bauer P., Brumbarova T. (2019). Mobility and localization of the iron deficiency-induced transcription factor bHLH039 change in the presence of FIT. Plant Direct 3: 1-11 (first author profiles: KT, RI)
  • Brumbarova T., Ivanov R. (2019) The Nutrient Response Transcriptional Regulome of Arabidopsis. iScience, (19) 358–368; doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2019.07.045 (press release: in English, in German)
  • Succurro A., Schuler‑Bermann M., Ivanov R., Jacoby R., Kopriva S., Jobe T. O. (2019) Orphan crops at the food for future conference. Planta, (250) 1005-1010; doi: 10.1007/s00425-019-03229-9
  • Khan I, Gratz R, Denezhkin P, Schott-Verdugo SN, Angrand K, Genders L, Basgaran RM, Fink-Straube C, Brumbarova T, Gohlke H, Bauer P, Ivanov R. (2019) Calcium-Promoted Interaction between the C2-Domain Protein EHB1 and Metal Transporter IRT1 Inhibits Arabidopsis Iron Acquisition. Plant Physiol. 180(3): 1564-1581; doi: 10.1104/pp.19.00163. (feature, first author profile IK)
  • Gratz, R., Manishankar, P., Ivanov, R., Köster, P., Mohr, I., Trofimov, K., Steinhorst, L., Meiser, J., Mai, H.J., Drerup, M., Arendt, S., Holtkamp, M., Karst, U., Kudla, J., Bauer, P., Brumbarova, T. (2019) CIPK11-dependent phosphorylation modulates FIT activity to promote Arabidopsis iron acquisition in response to calcium signaling. Developm. Cell 48, 726-740; doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2019.01.006 (press release: in English, in German)
  • Dreyer I., Spitz O., Kanonenberg K., Montag K., Handrich M.R., Ahmad S., Schott-Verdugo S., Navarro-Retamal C., Rubio-Meléndez M.E., Gomez-Porras J.L., Riedelsberger J., Molina-Montenegro M.A., Succurro A., Zuccaro A., Gould S.B., Bauer P., Schmitt L., Gohlke H. (2019) Nutrient exchange in arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis from a thermodynamic point of view. New Phytol. 222(2): 1043-1053; doi: 10.1111/nph.15646.
  • Thi Tuyet Le C., Brumbarova T., Bauer P. (2019) The Interplay of ROS and Iron Signaling in Plants. In: Panda S., Yamamoto Y. (eds) Redox Homeostasis in Plants. Signaling and Communication in Plants. Springer, Cham; doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-95315-1_3



  • Ben Abdallah H., Mai H.J., Slatni T., Fink-Straube C., Abdelly C., Bauer P. (2018) Natural variation in physiological responses of Tunisian Hedysarum carnosum under iron deficiency. Front. Plant Sci. 9: 1383; doi 10.3389/fpls.2018.01383
  • García M.J., Corpas F.J., Lucena C., Alcántara E., Pérez-Vicente R., Zamarreño Á.M., Bacaicoa E., García-Mina J.M., Bauer P., Romera F.J. (2018) A Shoot Fe Signaling Pathway Requiring the OPT3 Transporter Controls GSNO Reductase and Ethylene in Arabidopsis thaliana Roots. Front. Plant Sci. 9:1325; doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01325.
  • Ivanov R., Robinson D.G. (2018) Turnover of Tonoplast Proteins. Plant Physiol. 177(1): 10-11. doi: 10.1104/pp.18.00322
  • Heucken N., Ivanov R. (2018) The retromer, sorting nexins and the plant endomembrane protein trafficking. J Cell Sci. 131(2): jcs203695. doi: 10.1242/jcs.203695



  • Ben Abdallah H., Mai H.J., Alvarez-Fernandez A., Abadia J., Bauer P. (2017) Natural variation reveals contrasting abilities to cope with alkaline and saline soil among different Medicago truncatula genotypes. Plant Soil 418: 45-60
  • Naranjo-Arcos M.A., Maurer F., Meiser J., Pateyron S., Fink-Straube C., Bauer P. (2017) Dissection of iron signaling and iron accumulation by overexpression of subgroup Ib bHLH039 protein. Scientific Rep. 7: 10911
  • Ivanov R. and Bauer P. (2017); Sequence and coexpression analysis of iron-regulated ZIP transporter genes reveals crossing points between iron acquisition strategies in green algae and land plants. Plant Soil 418: 61-73; doi:10.1007/s11104-016-3128-2 (feature)



  • Naranjo Arcos M.A. and Bauer P. (2016); Iron Nutrition, Oxidative Stress, and Pathogen Defense. Nutritional Deficiency, Dr. Pinar Erkekoǧlu (Ed.), InTech, DOI: 10.5772/63204
  • Brumbarova T., Le C.T., Bauer P. (2016) Hydrogen Peroxide Measurement in Arabidopsis Root Tissue Using Amplex Red. BioProtoc. 6(21) DOI: doi.org/10.21769/BioProtoc.1999
  • Mai H.J., Pateyron S., Bauer P. (2016); Iron homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana: transcriptomic analyses reveal novel FIT-regulated genes, iron deficiency marker genes and functional gene networks. BMC Plant Biol. 16(1):211
  • Brumbarova T., Ivanov R. (2016); Differential Gene Expression and Protein Phosphorylation as Factors Regulating the State of the Arabidopsis SNX1 Protein Complexes in Response to Environmental Stimuli. Front. Plant Sci. 7:1456
  • Brumbarova T., Le C.T., Ivanov R., Bauer P. (2016); Regulation of ZAT12 protein stability: The role of hydrogen peroxide. Plant Signal Behav. 11(2):e1137408. doi: 10.1080/15592324.2015.1137408
  • Bauer P. (2016); Regulation of iron acquisition responses in plant roots by a transcription factor. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Educ. 44: 438-449
  • Mai H.J., Bauer P. (2016); From the proteomic point of view: Integration of adaptive changes to iron deficiency in plants. Curr. Plant Biol. 16: 45-56
  • Thi Tuyet Le C., Brumbarova T., Ivanov R., Stoof C., Weber E., Mohrbacher J., Fink-Straube C., Bauer P. (2016); ZINC FINGER OF ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA12 (ZAT12) Interacts with FER-LIKE IRON DEFICIENCY-INDUCED TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR (FIT) Linking Iron Deficiency and Oxidative Stress Responses. Plant Physiol. 170: 540-557
  • Abdallah H.B., Bauer P. (2016); Quantitative Reverse Transcription-qPCR-Based Gene Expression Analysis in Plants. Methods Mol. Biol. 1363: 9-24



  • Mai H.J., Lindermayr C., von Toerne C., Fink-Straube C., Durner J., Bauer P. (2015); Iron and FER-LIKE IRON DEFICIENCY-INDUCED TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR-dependent regulation of proteins and genes in Arabidopsis thaliana roots; Proteomics. 15: 3030-3047
  • Brumbarova T., Bauer P., Ivanov R. (2015); Molecular mechanisms governing Arabidopsis iron uptake. Trends Plant Sci. 20: 124-133


  • Maurer F., Naranjo Arcos M.A., Bauer P. (2014); Responses of a Triple Mutant Defective in Three Iron Deficiency-Induced BASIC HELIX-LOOP-HELIX Genes of the Subgroup Ib(2) to Iron Deficiency and Salicylic Acid. PLoS One; 9(6):e99234. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0099234
  • Blum A., Brumbarova T., Bauer P., Ivanov R. (2014); Hormone influence on the spatial regulation of IRT1 expression in iron-deficient Arabidopsis thaliana roots. Plant Signal Behav. 9(4). pii: e28787
  • Ivanov R., Brumbarova T., Blum A., Jantke A.M., Fink-Straube C., Bauer P. (2014); SORTING NEXIN1 is required for modulating the trafficking and stability of the Arabidopsis IRON-REGULATED TRANSPORTER1. Plant Cell 26: 1294-1307
  • Andriankaja M.E., Danisman S., Mignolet-Spruyt L.F., Claeys H., Kochanke I., Vermeersch M., De Milde L., De Bodt S., Storme V., Skirycz A., Maurer F., Bauer P., Mühlenbock P., Van Breusegem F., Angenent G.C., Immink R.G., Inzé D. (2014); Transcriptional coordination between leaf cell differentiation and chloroplast development established by TCP20 and the subgroup Ib bHLH transcription factors. Plant Mol. Biol. 85: 233-245
  • Lemloh M.L., Pohl A., Weber E., Zeiger M., Bauer, P., Weiss I.M., Schneider A.S. (2014); Structure-property relationships in mechanically stimulated Sorghum bicolor stalks. Bioinspir. Mater. 1: DOI: 10.2478/bima-2014-0001
  • Brumbarova T., Ivanov R. (2014); Perls Staining for Histochemical Detection of Iron in Plant Samples. BioProtoc. 4(18) DOI: https://doi.org/10.21769/BioProtoc.1245



  • Meiser J., Bauer P. (2012); Looking for the hub in Fe signaling. Plant Signal Behav. 7: 688-690
  • Schuler M., Rellán-Álvarez R., Fink-Straube C., Abadía J., Bauer P. (2012); Nicotianamine functions in the Phloem-based transport of iron to sink organs, in pollen development and pollen tube growth in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 24: 2380-400.
  • Schuler M., Bauer P. (2012); Strategies for iron biofortification of crop plants. in Food Quality, ed. K. Kapiris, ISBN 979-953-307-285-1
  • Hötzer B., Ivanov R., Bauer P., Jung G. (2012); Investigation of copper homeostasis in plant cells by fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy, Plant Signal. Behav. 7: 521-523
  • Hötzer B., Ivanov R., Brumbarova T., Bauer P., Jung G. (2012); Visualization of Cu2+ uptake and release in plant cells by fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy. FEBS J. 279: 410-41
  • Ivanov R., Tiedemann J., Czihal A. and Bäumlein H. (2012); Transcriptional regulator AtET2 is required for the induction of dormancy during late seed development. J. Plant Physiol. 169: 501-508
  • Ivanov R., Brumbarova T., Bauer P. (2012); Fitting into the harsh reality: Regulation of iron deficiency responses in dicotyledonous plants. Mol. Plant 5: 27-42



  • Schuler M., Bauer P. (2011); Heavy metals need assistance: the contribution of nicotianamine to metal circulation throughout the plant and the Arabidopsis NAS gene family. Front. Plant Sci. 2: 69
  • Bauer P., Blondet E. (2011); Transcriptome analysis of ein3 eil1 mutants in response to iron deficiency. Plant Signal. Behav. 6: 1669-1671
  • Meiser J., Lingam S., Bauer P. (2011); Posttranslational regulation of the iron deficiency basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor FIT is affected by iron and nitric oxide. Plant Physiol. 157: 2154-2166
  • Lingam S., Mohrbacher J., Brumbarova T., Potuschak T., Fink-Straube C., Blondet E., Genschik P., Bauer P. (2011); Interaction between the bHLH Transcription Factor FIT and ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3/ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3-LIKE1 Reveals Molecular Linkage between the Regulation of Iron Acquisition and Ethylene Signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 23: 1815-1829
  • Schuler M., Keller A., Backes C., Philippar K., Lenhof H.-P., Bauer P. (2011); Transcriptome analysis by GeneTrail revealed regulation of functional categories in response to alterations of iron homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Plant Biol. 11: 87
  • Bauer P., Weiss I., Elbaum R. (2011); Calcium and silicon mineralization in land plants: Transport, structure and function (a review). Plant Sci. 180: 746-56
  • Maurer F., Müller S., Bauer P. (2011); Suppression of Fe deficiency gene expression by jasmonate. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 49: 530-536
  • Hötzer B., Ivanov R., Altmeier S., Kappl R., Jung B. (2011); Determination of copper(II) ion concentration by lifetime measurements of green fluorescent protein. J. Fluoresc. 21: 2143-2153



  • Maurer F., Daum N., Schäfer U.F., Lehr C.-M., Bauer P. (2010); Plant genetic factors for iron homeostasis affect iron bioavailability in Caco-2 cells; Food Res. Intl. 43: 1661-1665I
  • Ivanov R., Fobis-Loisy I., Gaude T. (2010) When no means no: Guide to Brassicaceae self-incompatibility. Trends Plant Sci. 15: 387-394


  • Gottwald S., Bauer P., Komatsuda T., Lundqvist U., Stein N. (2009); TILLING in the two-rowed barley cultivar `Barke` reveals preferred sites of functional diversity in the gene HvHoxI; BMC Res. Notes 2: 258
  • Lemanceau P., Bauer P., Kraemer S. Briat J.F. (2009); Iron dynamics in the rhizosphere as a case study for analyzing interactions between soils, plants and microbes; Plant Soil 321: 513-535
  • Klatte M., Schuler M., Wirtz M., Fink-Straube C., Hell R., Bauer P. (2009); The analysis of Arabidopsis nicotianamine synthase mutants reveals functions for nicotianamine in seed iron loading and iron deficiency responses. Plant Physiol. 150: 257-271
  • Klatte M. and Bauer P. (2009); Accurate real-time reverse transcription quantitative PCR. Methods Mol. Biol. 479: 61-77



  • Brumbarova T., Matros A., Mock, H.P., Bauer P. (2008); A proteomic study showing differential regulation of stress, redox regulation and peroxidase proteins by iron supply and the transcription factor FER. Plant J. 54: 321-334
  • Brumbarova T. and Bauer P. (2008); Iron uptake and transport in plants. in: Plant Membrane and vacuolar transporters, P.K. Jaiwal, R. Singh, O.P. Dhankher, Eds., CABI, pp. 149-172



  • Bauer P. (2007); Im Wunderland der lebendigen Blumen suchen wir nach den Genen für die Pflanzen der Zukunft; Beitrag; Magazin Forschung, Herausgeber Universität des Saarlandes
  • Bauer P. (2007); Essentielle genetische Faktoren zur Steuerung der Eisenaufnahme in Pflanzen; 17. Borkheider Seminar zur Ökologie des Wurzelraumes, Hrsg. W. Merbach, W. Gans, J. Augustin, Grauer-Verlag, Beuren-Stuttgart)
  • Wang H. Y., Klatte, M., Jakoby M., Bäumlein H., Weisshaar B., Bauer P. (2007); Iron deficiency-mediated stress regulation of four subgroup Ib BHLH genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Planta 226: 897-908
  • Bauer P., Guerinot M.L., Ling H.Q. (2007); Renaming of the essential basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor gene FER-LIKE FE-DEFICIENCY INDUCED TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR (FIT) in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 45: 260-261



  • Kavitha M., Bauer P., Sharada M.S., Al-Hammadi A.S.A., Sharma R. (2006); Molecular and genetic characterization of the polycotyledon (poc) locus in tomato. Theor. Appl. Genet. 113: 673-683
  • Bauer P. and Hell R. (2006); Translocation of iron in plant tissues. in: Iron Nutrition in Plants and Rhizospheric Microorganisms, Eds. L.L. Barton, J. Abadía, Springer Verlag, S. 279-288



  • Brumbarova T. and Bauer P. (2005); Iron-Mediated Control of the Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Protein FER, a Regulator of Iron Uptake in Tomato. Plant Physiol. 137: 1018-1026



  • Bauer P., Bereczky Z., Brumbarova Z., Klatte M., Wang H.Y. (2004); Molecular regulation of iron uptake in the dicot species Lycopersicon esculentum and Arabidopsis thaliana. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 50: 997-1001
  • Jakoby M, Wang HY, Reidt W, Weisshaar B, Bauer P. (2004); FRU (BHLH029) is required for induction of iron mobilization genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. FEBS Lett. 577: 528-534
  • Bauer P., Thiel T., Bereczky Z., Klatte M., Brumbarova T., Hell R., Grosse I. (2004); Analysis of sequence, map position and gene expression reveals conserved essential genes for iron uptake in Arabidopsis and tomato. Plant Physiol. 136: 4169-4183
  • Bauer P., Lubkowitz M., Tyers R., Nemoto K., Meeley, R.B., Goff S.A., Freeling, M. (2004); Regulation and a conserved intron sequence of liguleless3/4 knox class I homeobox genes in grasses. Planta 219: 359-368



  • Li C., Liu G., Xu C., Lee G.I., Bauer P., Ganal M., Ling H.Q., Howe G.A. (2003); The Tomato Suppressor of prosystemin-mediated responses2 (Spr2) Gene Encodes a Fatty Acid Desaturase Required for the Biosynthesis of Jasmonic Acid and the Production of a Systemic Wound Signal for Defense Gene Expression. Plant Cell 15:1646-1661
  • Bereczky, Z., Wang H.Y., Schubert V., Ganal M., Bauer P. (2003); Differential regulation of nramp and irt metal transporter genes in wild type and iron uptake mutants of tomato. J. Biol. Chem. 278: 24697-24704
  • Bauer P., Bereczky Z. (2003); Gene networks involved in iron acquisition strategies in plants.Agronomie 23: 447-454
  • Bauer P. und Ganal M. (2003); Isolation und Charakterisierung der verantwortlichen Gene von zwei Eisenstoffwechselmutanten der Tomate. Vorträge für Pflanzenzüchtung, Heft 61, Gesellschaft für Pflanzenzüchtung e.V. Göttingen, S. 111-116



  • Ling H.Q.*, Bauer P.*, Bereczky Z., Keller B, Ganal M.W. (2002); The tomato fer gene encoding a bHLH protein controls iron-uptake responses in roots. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99: 13938-13943 (Track II); * gemeinsame Erstautorenschaft