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Bachelor study course: Module Bio120

Bio 120 is a basic Botany study course with lecture and practical course. The language is exclusively German.

Please consult the German version of our website for further information.

Bachelor study course: V-Modules

Here you find elective modules for bachelor students, offered from the fifth semester onwards.

Our V-Modules always comprise 1 SWS of lecture, 6 SWS of practical lab work and 1 SWS of seminar.

Currently one V-Module is being offered:

This module takes place in the winter semester.

Please note: Partially or fully in English if requested.

V-493 gives a detailed introduction to recombinant DNA technology and its applications (e.g. gene cloning, recombinant plasmids in bacteria and protein expression). The content of this module is a basic requirement for most molecular biology, cell biology or biochemistry oriented work in the laboratory, regardless of the model organism used. Starting with the genome sequence, which you will find in a public database, you will plan the successful expression of a protein.

For further information please visit the website of Biology. There you can find the moduledescriptions.

Bachelor theses

From the fifth semester onwards, you can complete your bachelor thesis at our institute with a focus on general molecular biology, molecular plant physiology, plant genetics or plant diversity.

Please direct inquiries about Bachelor theses to our head of institute.

Responsible for the content: Prof. Dr. Petra Bauer : Contact by e-mail