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News-Archiv 2024



We research the adaptations of plants to their environment:

● Can plants adapt quickly enough to climate change?

● How do plants in the city cope with extreme environmental conditions?

● Can ecological research contribute to plant-friendly cities?


We will provide information on how you can become part of our citizen science project and help answer these questions!



We are happy that Ksenia’s findings about the formation of bimolecular condensates of FIT transcription factor have now been published in the Journal of Cell Biology. She found evidence that blue light signaling and nutrition signaling can intersect, whereby the condensates may serve as regulatory hubs. She has performed an elegant microscopy study to demonstrate accumulation of hetero- and homomeric FIT complexes in condensates, the relevance of a particular FIT phosphorylation site important for FIT activity and co-localization with markers suggesting functions of the condensates in splicing regulation, which is a promising avenue for future research since alternative splicing is found among FIT target genes.

Please check out the press releases:

https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1035107 (in English)

https://www.hhu.de/news-einzelansicht/biomolekulare-kondensate-schaltzentralen-fuer-die-pflanzliche-eisenversorgung (in German)

Ksenia Trofimov, Regina Gratz, Rumen Ivanov, Yvonne Stahl, Petra Bauer, and Tzvetina Brumbarova, Corresponding Author(s): Petra Bauer, Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf. FER-LIKE IRON DEFICIENCY-INDUCED TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR (FIT) accumulates in nuclear condensates, Journal of Cell Biology (2024).

DOI: 10.1083/jcb.202311048

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